Sunday, 5 October 2014

10 things that men never notice in women

They are all the details, most of the times the aesthetic, light years away from the observation skills of the male gender. Who has not happened at least once that he just did not notice fresh hair hairdressing?

Women, put your heart at rest: there are things, small details or subtleties that men will ever notice. But not because he does not care, simply because they are too distant from their reality, or, on the contrary, so routine as to go unnoticed. It's stronger than them, they can not! Needless to blame if they do not understand that the cerulean blue sweater you wear today is not the same as the navy blue than yesterday. Or if you have no idea what the bag you want for years and for which you are saving without their knowledge or fresh folk hairdresser, do not realize that you become smooth curly. It's a losing battle! Men and women have different priorities, mindsets completely different. Their way of thinking is very simple, do not like the complications that are so deeply ingrained in us. They go straight to the point, we arrive with more detailed routes. This does not mean, however, that in some (rare) cases are not able to amaze us. A recent online survey conducted by Meetic, for example, shows that men are much more willing to sacrifice their own space for love (50%) than women (41%). The survey, however, also confirms the substantial differences between the two sexes. A man on two believes that being beautiful helps in daily life, thoughts shared by only 37% of women, which give the inner beauty of a fundamental value. The whole question of priorities, in short, and the ability to incorporate external stimuli that go beyond the purely existential needs. And if he is not your case, then you are lucky. Take it tight because it certainly comes from a planet far away.

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