Sunday, 14 September 2014

Health: do not sleep, get fat

No need to spend a few hours of sleep for several days in a row, and the result will not be 'just out to have dark circles and less energy, but above all to gain weight.

In fact, if science has long argued that little sleep makes you fat, a new study at the University 'of Colorado shows that weight gain occurs in a very short time.
And so ', for adults who sleep less than five or six hours a night increases the risk of obesity'. The same is true for children, whose average night of sleep to stay healthy stands up to ten hours. The reason why little sleep makes you fat and 'in the fact that, even if you burn more' calories while you and 'wake up, so you end up eating a lot more' - especially carbs - than people who sleep eight or nine hours a night.
After a week of experiments, the scientists demonstrated that the subjects who slept too little bought two pounds.

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