Monday, 15 September 2014

Men do not understand women - the answer of science

Here, we lacked only the science and his studies on the brain to endorse the accuracy of recrimination that the couple we rebounds more often, or that "you do not understand me" that usually accompanies a resigned sigh,  when she says or thinks one thing and he plays the exact opposite. 

A group of researchers at the University of Bochum, Germany, came to the conclusion that it is all a matter of "neural networks altered in reading the language of the eyes of men and women," which, to put it in layman's terms, it means that one fails to recognize the state of mind that expresses the other through the eyes of one of the most important sources of information to understand the emotions of others, because the two sexes process them in a completely different way. To prove subjected to an experiment 22 male volunteers, who did not know if the images in black and white 36 pairs of eyes were men or women. So, they asked them to identify what emotions celassero those looks and in the meantime they underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging to get a complete picture of what was happening in their brains. The result was that the subjects were much better at reading the expression of the eyes when they belonged to a male and their region of the brain linked to the processing of emotions was more active when instead of staring at the eyes of a woman. What's more, the other areas of the brain to the recognition of emotions is not lit if the participants crossed a look feminine element that has made the disastrous response that no, it is not ill will, but complete inability to understand the emotions when a try to be a woman. This study, sadly rigorous in lapidary judgment, it will not help in relational practice if not to surrender to the congenital differences between the sexes, so that this exclamation acts still to be veiled exhortation to strive to assume the role of the other, but becomes l 'bitter observation of a fact.

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